
Cerebrum dispersio music used
Cerebrum dispersio music used

cerebrum dispersio music used cerebrum dispersio music used

“The Dragon” Saturn cosmic “seats” Kabalah Cosmic Consciousness seeds and atoms Chaos and Eros the struggle for existence selfishness elliptic and parabolic orbits states of matter.ġ8. The moon and earth motion Fohat Lunar Pitris Rounds, globes and principles karma of civilization Nature Kama Rupa and Prana. Meru the Sishtas anthropoids populations the Todas and Mulakurumbas of India. Laya centers, matter and substance seven planes of substance triangle and square classes of Monads perfection in evolution Mt. Personal Ego and Impersonal Self Atma-Buddhi-Manas Vach Laya centers Fohat and the Mayavi-rupa pralayas Atoms Force Light and Heat Nirvana and Parinirvana Globes, Rounds and Races the Moon Chain Keely’s telescope.Ītmospheres and elements meteors minerals atoms and molecules Laya centers and primordial substance Fohat, electricity and Energy influence of the Moon magnetism Mars, Mercury. Stanza V, Sloka 6 Stanza VI, Slokas 1 & 3-4: The Sun and planets comets, cosmic dust and nebula Fohat atoms electricity the Caduceus of Mercury the Hindu trinity the four corners magnetic influences. The Lipika, Æons, the Syzygies of Simon Magus Word, Voice and Spirit “the rejected Son” Mahat the Absolute the atoms “Sons of Fohat”. “Sons of the Fire” Nirvana Father-Mother Kabalistic permutation the Alhim (Elohim) the Logos “god geometrizes” suns, comets, meteors and planets the Pleiades. Æther and Akasa ether and Astral Light the circle the Web of the Universe the Monad planets and gravity one absolute force the Absolute. The Root the Milky Way and “world-stuff” Light and Time “knots” of Fohat the Sun nebular theory sun spots Fire weight and gravity Water numbers and colors Kwan-shaiyin and Kwan-yin Oeaohoo the veil of reality Electricity and Fohat the kama-rupa of amber and electricity the ant organic and inorganic matter Fire Keely’s inter-etheric force Thompson and Crookes suns and planets the atmosphere. Vibration and germ Pythagorean triangle “Radiant Essence” Paramatma and Jivatma atoms and molecules ether and Akasa elements “world-stuff” war in heaven 14 Manus seven rays numbers and principles colors and prisms Ralston Skinner and the Kabalah the pyramids. The first Logos Duration and Time radiation and emanation Akasa and Astral Light early Christianity noumena and phenomena Dhyan-Chohans and Dhyani-Buddhas Manu Manvantaras cosmic elements and elementals the fate of mediums Water the Virgin-Egg language thought and ideas. Universal Eggs potentiality and potency Fohat, “Pho” Astral Light Pythagorean geometry, numbers Triangles and Pyramids the Tetragrammaton and Tetraktys “Yod-he-va,” the Elohim.

cerebrum dispersio music used

Three logoi the point in the circle the Mundane, Solar and Stanza I, Slokas 6 & 9 Stanza II, Slokas 1-2:ĭhyan-Chohans, Planetary spirits planets the Builders Dhyani-Buddhas, Manus and Rishis the Sephiroth Alaya and Jivatma Planetary chains Rishis and Manus water, fire and occultism modern science and hypotheses induction and deduction. Universal mind consciousness the Ah-hi cosmic ideation deep sleep Buddhi and Mahat four truths of Buddhism the Nidanas and Maya dreams instinct the cerebrum and the cerebellum.īuddhism space Darkness and Light Father-Mother-Son Laya Parabrahm, the causeless cause, Sat, rootless root dreamless sleep the senses clairvoyance light, sound and color. Parabrahm, Ain-Soph Laya centers protyle and hyle time, space and duration Sat, “Be-ness” the nature of intelligence and consciousness the logoi.

Cerebrum dispersio music used